Kristopher Stone – Conscious Cock

Kristopher Stone is a Sex educator, relationship skills teacher and author. He works with primarily with heterosexual men and couples to help them get what they really want out of their relationship and sex life.

In this episode, Kristopher and I talk about what led him to this work; relationships and their role in personal evolution; consent; the opportunity offered through men’s circles; communication; and getting free by giving up hope.

Kristopher facilitates sex-positive men’s circles in Costa Rica and online, teaches classes & workshops, offers free downloads, articles, tips, writes a relationship & sex advice column, offers one on one coaching, and created an erotica book for couples to help them explore fantasies.

His second book, Conscious Cock: The Empowered Sexuality Manual for Men, is about to be released by Moons Grove Press. It’s a self-help guide for men to uplevel their relationship success-rate through healthy masculinity, sex education & intimacy tools.

Kristopher’s offerings help people alter the course of their relationships, exit unhealthy patterns and replace them with new structures, perspectives & practices that help them achieve freedom and reach their relationship goals.


Conscious Cock

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