Message from the Mamo

from left to right: Mamo Atillan, KandyMaku, India. In Tinamastes feria. April, 2020

This Earth Day, consider how you could “get yourself in order,” to be a better steward of the planet.

The Kogi are one of four indigenous tribes who live on Sierra Madre in Colombia. They have a rich oral history which has been passed down verbally from generation to generation for thousands of years. The Kogi culture remains intact as they were not conquered by the Spaniards during the colonization of Colombia. They seek to live in harmony with nature, and to steward the earth responsibly.

In Tinamaste, Costa Rica, I was able to sit and listen to a teaching from a Mamo of the Kogis. A mamo is a spiritual leader who has undergone life-long training in Earth stewardship, some spending up to 36 years of their life in a cave. The mamos are bringing their knowledge down from the mountain to share with other first nations and little brothers in service of the planet.

In this episode you will hear Mamo Atillo’s message, spoken through a bridge (interpreter), named KandyMaku. The message is in Spanish, with translation to English. Before the message, I have included a conversation between myself and India, who translated from Spanish to English at the talk in Tinamaste. We discuss the Kogi people and their cosmology, and the journey they are on to speak to people around the world and help activate certain points in order to raise a healing for the planet that is suffering from destructive human activity.

India is indigenous from the matriarchy Bri-Bri tribe, from the mountains of Talamanca on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. She is co-founder and COO of Imiloa Institute, an intercontinental institute for the education and advancement of humanity.

Imiloa is hosting an Earth Guardian Training from June 4-14th, 2020 where the Mamos will introduce initiates to sacred consultation techniques and reactivation principles, already within the energy grid of our Mother Earth. For more information and to apply, visit

To watch a documentary about the Kogi called Aluna:

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