In this episode, Mareesa speaks about her consciousness journey, rebelling against her born again Christian background and finding revelation and answers through psychedelics at the age of 19. She discusses what followed, including Gaia TV series “The Healing Powers,” Lucid News and the Psychedelic Orientation Series, film projects and journeys that brought her around the world, meeting god on a psilohuasca journey, and her mission henceforth, including but not limited to bringing the Sphynx Gate to Burning Man post Covid19.
Bio: Mareesa Stertz is a filmmaker, community organizer, and KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. She is a co-founder and the media director of Lucid News, a platform providing informed, honest and transparent journalism that covers the growing integration of psychedelics into society and their broad implications for human wellness. Mareesa is passionate about finding solutions to systemic problems, and her work is heavily informed by her own journey of healing, which has taken her all around the world, filming with the curanderos of Peru to the holy men of India. She has a BA in Cinema at San Francisco State University, and her documentaries have been featured by Gaia TV, Viceland, Indigenous Films, Merry Jane, and Participant. She is currently in development on a one-woman play that celebrates the healing journey.
Insta: Mareesa_Stertz
Insta: LucidNewsPsychedelics
Facebook: The Healing Powers
Facebook: Lucid News