Kitty Sipple and the Gatekeeping of Madness

This episode includes a conversation with Kitty Sipple about psychedelic accessibility, the gatekeeping of madness, their experiences of healing with the help of psychedelics, and DID (dissociative identity disorder). Kitty is a disabled, white, queer, non-binary femme. They are in their final semester at The University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, earning a Multidisciplinary Bachelors of Science emphasizing Engineering Studies, Holistic Health & Healing, and Plant Biology. They are deeply engaged in research that focuses on finding viable solutions for the issues that society places on marginalized communities, particularly the trans & non-binary community. Kitty uses they/them pronouns

Kitty’s talk at Breaking Convention
Transcription of that talk
Kitty’s talk Walking in Liminal Spaces
Info about DID

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