I’m a huge fan of Soma and Psillygirls! She graces the podcast with her brilliant presence. Topics include the deliciousness of air, magical thinking, the balance of dreaming/wishing with having two feet on the ground in this reality.
Soma shares about letting our strengths lead us and working holistically, from the root to the fruit. We discuss colonization and this larger cultural turning point we find ourselves in – recognizing that water, air, and the climate are incredibly precious and are in danger for everyone.
We gush over our love for the plants and the mushrooms (all of them, but specifically tulsi, cordyceps and cannabis), and Soma imparts some wisdom from her experience cultivating medicine. We talk about having reverence and being in intentional relationship with the plants and mushrooms we work with, paying mind to patterns of “using” them that can lower our frequency and make us stagnant. The conversation wraps up with a nudge for all of us to “remember your why.”
Bio: Soma Phoenix is a psychedelic researcher and integration consultant who works with individuals seeking healing from trauma and spiritual transformation. As an attorney, Soma advocates for drug policy reform and supports the idea of cognitive liberty, or freedom to explore consciousness on our own terms. Soma provides private integration support services and is the founder of Psillygirls, an organization devoted to community building, spiritual support, and discourse around psychedelic experiences and insights.